Call Number : 03-5980-7141

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Monthly audit tour

■Monthly audit tour will make the company's growth more stable

The achievement rate of the monthly audit tour of Gaia tax corporation is about 97% (the goal of the TKC National Association, a group of registered tax accountants in Japan, is 70%). We will visit customers according to their specific circumstances every month to confirm the consistency and correctness of accounting treatment; at the same time, we will provide customers with pertinent suggestions from the perspective of accounting, taxation and finance.

■Monthly settlement can be used to grasp the operation and management of the company by numerical values

The actual situation of the company is presented in numerical values, and the problems in the operation are grasped through the monthly trial balance, Then improve the company's operating power by improving the problem points.

■Monthly settlement can increase the trustworthiness of financial institutions

Financial institutions generally pay attention to whether the loaned money can be recovered. Usually the material for their judgment is the annual financial statement. The basis of the annual financial statement is monthly settlement. If the customer’s accounts choose monthly settlement, it can increase the financial institution’s Reliability.

Call Number : 03-5980-7141 Office Hours: 9:00-18:00 (except weekends and national holidays)

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