Call Number : 03-5980-7141

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Bookkeeping Service

What Is Bookkeeping Service?

For individuals or for companies, it is necessary to keep books in order to file a tax return or to grasp the operating situation of a business.

Keeping books every day is a lot of work and time-consuming no matter you record by hand or with computer. In addition to that, it is not an easy task to keep books correctly if you don’t have the knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting. Thus, we, as bookkeeping and accounting professionals, would like to offer this bookkeeping service for you.

Every month, we keep books based on the receipts, bills, copies of bankbook etc. and then report to you. Because we work with Certified Public Tax Accountants, we can also offer advice on tax saving for you.

In this way, not only can you get hold of the operating situation of the business in real time, but also manage the financing, bank transfer and bills, without hiring a whole accounting department.

Importance of Keeping Books Right

The knowledge of bookkeeping is indispensable for keeping books.

If you keep books without the bookkeeping knowledge, you may record in a way that is unfavorable for tax payment or you may conflict with the law without knowing it. With these mistakes accumulated, it is likely that you have to correct it all over again when you settle the accounts.

Perhaps you are using accounting software to keep books, however, there are cases that you may suffer financial loss without realizing it when you just enter the data into the software.

Therefore, in order to avoid cases such as
(1)You keep books correctly, but may suffer financial loss.
(2)You waste precious time in entering data while there are more important things that worth your while.

In light of this, we would like to provide bookkeeping service for you.

Bookkeeping Service Fee

There are two kinds of bookkeeping services

 1.Entering Support Plan

 2.Leave-all-to-us Bookkeeping Plan

Please be noted that the service content and price of these two plans are different.

In addition, we also have Option Service for companies who need segmental bookkeeping, voucher filing, budget management, financing management and management reports.

Usually we need 20 business days to complete the bookkeeping data; however, we provide speedy service that bookkeeping data can be finished within 5 business days for customers who are in a hurry.

Price List

Number of Journal Entry Per Month 1.Entering Support 2.All Bookkeeping Per Segment
Up to 30 \1,000/month \2,000/ month \1,000
Up to 50 \1,500/ month \3,000/ month \2,000
Up to 100 \5,000/ month \10,000/ month \4,000
Up to 150 \75,000/ month \15,000/ month \6,000
Up to 200 \10,000/ month \20,000/ month \8,000
Up to 300 \15,000/ month \30,000/ month \12,000
Up to 400 \20,000/ month \35,000/ month \15,000
Up to 500 \22,500/ month \40,000/ month \20,000
Over 500 Estimate Separately

Option Services

Number of Journal
Entry Per Month
Express A
(5 Business Day)
Express B
(10 Business Day)
Voucher Filing
Up to 30 \2,000 \1,000 \1,500
Up to 50 \4,000 \1,000 \3,000
Up to 100 \4,000 \1,500 \5,000
Up to 150 \6,000 \2,000 \7,500
Up to 200 \8,000 \3,000 \10,000
Up to 300 \12,000 \4,000 \12,000
Up to 400 \15,000 \5,000 \15,000
Up to 500 \20,000 \7,500 \20,000
Over 500 Estimate Separately

Customized Services

Service Content Price
Original Business Forms Issue non-standard business forms \5,000
Accrual Basis Apply yearly transactions to accrual basis \3,000
Voucher Copy Copy the vouchers in our offices \3,000
Monthly Depreciation Book depreciation on a monthly basis \3,000
Monthly Inventory Count Book inventory on a monthly basis \3,000
Budget Management Set a budget and present a statement of
budget and actual amount
Statement of Cash Receipts
and Disbursement
Present a statement of cash receipts and
disbursement performance
Report of Abnormal Balance Report transactions when balance exceeds
the normal balance
Management Report Submit the monthly management report
with monthly trial balance sheet
Special Transaction A(Medical Profession, Pharmacy, Bank Draft
B(Construction, Foreign Transaction ) \6,000
C(Finance, Investment, Real Estate,
Manufacturing Cost)

※ Prices quoted above exclude tax

TKC Software Rental Price List
System Monthly Fee Support Fee
FX2(Financial System) 12,000 yen 100,000 yen
PX2(Payroll System)
SX2(Selling System) 3,000 yen *2 further
TISC Back-up Service 1,000 yen
PX My Portal up to 30 persons 3,000 yen 2,500 yen
PX My Portal up to 60 persons 5,000 yen
PX My Portal up to 100 persons 8,000 yen
PX My Portal over 100 persons 10,000 yen
*1 e21 My Portal
(Financial, Payroll, My Portal up to 10 persons)
11,000 yen 100,000 yen

*1 e21 My Portal is not equipped with departmental management nor bills management.
*2 Depending on the numbers of items

Call Number : 03-5980-7141 Office Hours: 9:00-18:00 (except weekends and national holidays)

Contact us 2017 Income tax and special income tax for reconstruction guide
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